Center for Applied Ethics

in Artificial Intelligence

Exploring the Ethical Implications of AI upon Individuals and Society

About the Center ...

The AE/AI Center exists as an hub of independent research dialog surrounding the ethical complexities introduced by so-called artificial intelligence and its application in our modern world. The intellectual integrity of our research and editorial commentary is of primary importance to us. Our researchers have opinions of their own and are encouraged to draw personal conclusions based on principles of moral philosophy (applied ethics). However, our organizational independence from all interests, political or corporate is essential to the value that we provide. As an organization, the Center takes no position on matters of public policy.

The AE/AI Center endorses neither political parties nor candidates, and takes no part in political lobbying. We likewise tolerate no outside attempts by any party to influence our work.

“Many are concerned about the lack of AI Experts. The lack of real thinkers and philosophers is even more alarming."

Areas of AI Research

Independent Research Requests

Entities desiring to solicit independent research into a specific aspect of ethics in AI should contact us to discuss requirements.

If the project is within the competency of available research fellows, a proposal will be drafted summarizing the scope of work, expectations regarding the number and credentials of researchers who will be involved in the project, timelines and other critical details that will ensure timely delivery of quality work.

In order to avoid any appearance of bias, sponsored research is conducted with no influence of the sponsor upon the center, individual researchers or toward a presumed outcome. Researchers are strictly prohibited from conducting research while maintaining dialog or any connection to the sponsoring entity.

Regardless of a research sponsor’s decision to publish or publicize funded research, the findings will become part of the core AE/AI Body of Knowledge for the public benefit and for future reference.

Work with AE/AI

If you are  academic with expertise in a specific field, or an ethicist with an interest in the practical implications of AI on individuals and the societies in which they live, we would love to hear from you.


Fellowships at the Center for Applied Ethics in AI are intended to promote in-depth and thoughtful within a particular domain of field of study. These positions are compensated and intended to align with and further the academic and professional goals of the fellow while furthering the mission of the Center and serving the interests of the general public.

If you are interested in exploring a fellowship role at the Center, please send a current vita and a cover letter outlining your interests and goals to fellows[at]


While the Center is unable to provide paid internships at present, we encourage graduate level and post-doctoral students with a particular interest in the ethics of AI to contact us regarding possible opportunities. If possible, we will work with your university to ensure that your efforts will lead to course credit.

Beyond the potential of gaining real-world research experience, high quality studies will be considered for publication in our biennial journal and possible work as a fellow upon completion of your academic program.

If you are interested in internship opportunities, please contact internships[at]

Get in touch ...